

By profession, I’m an acupuncturist, herbalist, and intuitive healer…. But really? I’m a mom. A wife. A sister. A daughter. A granddaughter. A friend. An advocate. An ally. A woman who wants to lift other women up so we can take over the world once and for all. 

I have a deep desire to help you rediscover how powerful you truly are. 

I want to live in a world where women believe in themselves. Where we have a deep knowing of who we are and why we are here. Where we can  be still long enough to get rooted into our bodies to hear the soft voice inside of us who has known what to do all along. 

When did we start deferring to others for the answers to everything?

I want to live in a world where women rely on their bodies for the confirmation they need to the answers they are seeking. Where we really FEEL a whole body “yes” and a whole body “no” and we can rely on this inner compass to guide us. I want to live in a world where we no longer need to hustle for the answers because we trust ourselves and our inner wisdom to carry us in the right direction.

I want to live in a world where women feel free. Free from saying yes to things that don’t bring them joy. Free from doing ALL THE THINGS, and free from feeling like they have to do all the things to “keep up” and “fit in”. 

Being busy is overrated. I want to live in a world where women reclaim their time. So they feel IN FLOW with life rather than feeling like they are always swimming upstream. I want to live in a world where “Yes Syndrome” is no longer an epidemic. 

Saying “No” is the highest act of self love.

Coming home to your inner wisdom means you give yourself permission to stop outsourcing your power to others. It means you stop trying to fit into the box that someone else built for you and you start living big. You find your own power when you start truly trusting yourself. 

Everything changed for me when I started trusting and following my inner compass. I want this for you too.

Jessica Goodman graduated at the top of her class from Southwest Acupuncture College and has spent the past decade helping women trust their inner wisdom so they can have babies, grow babies and raise babies. She completed a post-graduate mentorship with Debra Betts, L.Ac. in which she got extensive training in prenatal and postpartum support using Chinese medicine. She also apprenticed with Desiree Mangandog, L.Ac. and learned how to combine essential oils and Chinese medicine to heal the spirit.  Jessica has worked with thousands of people as both a teacher and a healer and the one thing she hears over and over again from her clients is “I trust you because you see me and you hear me”. Jessica’s deepest desire is for you to feel in flow with your life. Her super powers include meeting you where you’re at, holding space for you and your wounds, getting curious about what’s going, and giving you a nudge in the direction that will move you forward in your life (her photographic memory helps too!).